We made it. I think. 2020 was trash and 2021 was supposed to be the year we could live again. 2022 is probably going to be the year we realize life has changed.
I don’t do resolutions, as I’ve mentioned before to you, but I do themes. This year’s is center, forward. Not the soccer position though it sort of makes sense, but I’m aiming to move forward but remain centered through it all. So slowly. The last two yers have been reduxes. I’ve tried to hold on to the hope I had in 2020 and it’s….not happening.
My work goals from 2020 don’t apply anymore, the business and our lives have changed. My personal goals have been upended because of life changes.
Let’s all agree that everything has changed and so have we. I now say I love you to my friends. I tell my colleagues I’m grateful for them and try to do right by them as they have by me. I’m alone, a lot, and I’m OK with that.
What have you been holding onto that doesn’t serve you anymore? What dreams need to stay a dream, for now? What hopes have found you in a time of stasis?
I updated my goals booklet from last year, and it’s here for you to download and print. A hint: to print it as intended, as a booklet, open it in Preview/Adobe, and under layout, pick two pages per sheet and two-sided (if your printer allows) and short-edge binding.
It’s in a PDF so you’re also welcome to fill it out digitally and save.
P.S. I have promised myself to try to send these out more than once every 8 months. Let’s see if that manifests itself?
Reading // Cooking // Using //Listening //
I listened to Riot Baby on a drive recently, and i really enjoyed it. I liked the characters, however flawed and it was square in the middle of apocalypse dystopian with a little literary fiction mixed in.
Carbonara Udon from the always wonderful Food52. I love Gochujang and i always have frozen or vacuum-sealed udon around. Usually I’d make a simple stir fry but this, this is extraordinary, simple and delicious. I used Chinese sausage instead of bacon, since that was what I had, and added a little butter to compensate for the loss of fat.
These strange Claw things from 3M make picture hanging easy and work really well on drywall.
Some ‘hazy French pop’ as Spotify calls it, but Juniore is my jam lately. Moody, French, a little retro.