Edition Four: It says “breathe.”

It is my birthday today. A day I love/hate because my mind is constantly thinking of all I have yet to do, and never acknowledging all I have done. So today I’m forcing myself to remember that I did things. I do things. A lot of things. There’s still more to be done, but that is what it is. The to-do list will grow, and that’s OK, as long as I remember to look at the now-done list.


It says “breathe.”

It is the reminder that through everything, I can do at least one thing, which is move forward, take one more inhale, exhale, move forward. It is visible, but it is for me to see and touch when the tough moments come.

It is in the place that people stare at, have unasked questions about. It is where I can hope and pray I’ve moved past, though some days it doesn’t feel like it. It is a reminder that I don’t want to cover anymore. A reminder that I struggle and survive and will continue to do so.

(Thanks to my BFF Melissa for getting inked with me for my birthday. You are my heart.)


Pay it forward

I read this article the other day about how job descriptions can hurt your hiring process. That made me think about all the chances I’ve had to write my own, or descriptions of jobs I’m hiring.

Do you have a tip on writing good job descriptions?

Share by hitting reply and I’ll re-circulate the tips in an upcoming newsletter. Just let me know if it’s OK to include your name. 


Need more newsletters?

Try Migratory Notes, written by two fantastic immigration reporters. 

Great things I’ve read lately

This crab is a bad, bad friend. (The Atlantic). A beautiful read on the things that get lost. (New Yorker) Stories of refugees in the Rust Belt (Belt). We drive less (yay!) but it’s because we’re sitting at home (hmm) from CityLab.

Jobs jobs jobs 

Investigations Editor at Reveal. Be a creative director at Gannett (tell me if you apply for this!). Lead WNYC’s Data team (WNYC). A bunch of jobs at First Look Media (happy to tell you about working there, just ping). Managing Editor at CNN Money.
