• Edition Thirteen: On referrals

    To give a recommendation for a potential hire, which is essentially backing someone with your words, is a big deal. It’s me saying, “I promise that giving you this name means that I believe this person fits this role and will succeed at it.” Too often, when we recommend someone it’s because “I like this…

  • Edition Twelve: Here we are, standing in the muck

    I was going to write this week about the precarious situation of recommendations, but then my brain got on a different tangent. You see, last week I had one of those weeks where I direly missed writing stories and working on things that moved much, much faster than culture change or new strategy building. This…

  • Edition Eleven: Read this book

    Before I started this newsletter, I was desperately trying to find a book to help me be better at work, as a young, creative female leader. I am a book nerd, which means I turn to the written word to escape, live better and work better. Here’s what I’ve read so far, and a tweet-length…

  • Edition Ten: Hold on, I need to write this down.

    We learn better when we write things down. That is what the studies say when I started this job, I said I would finally spend the time to do a better job organizing my day. I make my own planner pages because I have always had weird jobs where GTD or other to-do systems didn’t work.…

  • Edition Ten: Planning with planners

    We learn better when we write things down. That is what the studies say when I started this job, I said I would finally spend the time to do a better job organizing my day. I make my own planner pages because I have always had weird jobs where GTD or other to-do systems didn’t work.…

  • Edition Nine: Unselfishly understanding

    The art of listening well. Erich Fromm is one of those philosophers/psychologists who write for humans. When I cam across this, I recalled being told it’s OK to tell a direct report “not right now.” You can say  “I want to listen to your worries carefully, so please come back in 20 minutes os I…

  • Edition Eight: You make me uncomfortable.

    Do it. Make me uncomfortable. The other day, my partner told me his new boss gave him the following thoughts about his new job: “I want you to make me uncomfortable. I want you to take me out of my comfort zone.” This comes a few days after my yoga teacher put me in that…

  • Edition Seven: So……what now?

    What can we do now? I was at Bindercon this past weekend and heard over and over again that we, creative-type smart people, do not know what to do now. We are experiencing a “group depression,” as it was termed in one session. We are spending a lot of time being exasperated at some person,…

  • Edition Six: That is *so* not what I said.

    I know, it’s been a few weeks, but life sort of got in the way. We’ll just move onward…. What did I say again? Here’s the #1, biggest, most important thing I’ve learned about myself in the past year: I don’t communicate the way I think I do. I talk pretty fast, apparently. Think fast,…

  • Edition Five: On new jobs, finding your path and job description tips

    New things happened to me this week, which were a long time in coming. But this newsletter isn’t about me, so…. Tips for finding your path When I launched this thing, I talked about how awkward I often feel because my career moves are seen as very intentional, when I often feel like I fell into…